First World Problems [Canadian Edition]

hello there,

First world problems. We love them. We all have them. They make us laugh. They allow us to poke fun at our privileged culture. On a daily basis I complain about a dozen or two things that really aren't worthy of being complained about. So what are some common Canadian First World Problems? I thought I would compile a Canadian specific list that Canadians encounter on a daily basis...

1.) I have to wake up 5 minutes early so I have time to scrape the ice off my car

2.) We're out of the real maple syrup so I have to use the fake stuff

3.) It's too cold for just one pair of pants but not cold enough to wear two

4.) I had to walk to the mailbox in the snow and all that I got were my medical bills, oh wait....

5.) I got a free donut with my Roll Up The Rim but I wanted a free drink

6.) My PVR didn't record the shootout of the hockey game so I basically watched the last 65 minutes for nothing

7.) It's snowing out and the scarf that matches my gloves is wet so I have to wear my other scarf

8.) The forecast is calling for clear skies and highs of 27 and I can't find my raincoat or umbrella

9.) The cheese curds on my poutine are too hot to eat but if I wait any longer my fries will get too soggy

10.) My favourite band is coming on tour to Canada but I don't get to see them because the rest of the world doesn't realize Toronto isn't the only city in Canada

11.) 30,000 Canadians are living on the streets every night

12.) Suicide is among the leading causes of death in 15-24 year old Canadians, second only to accidents; 4,000 people die prematurely each year by suicide.

13.) In Canada, only 1 out of 5 children who need mental health services receives them

14.) The total number of 12-19 year olds in Canada at risk for developing depression is a staggering 3.2 million

15.) Almost one half (49%) of those who feel they have suffered from depression or anxiety have never gone to see a doctor about this problem

16.) Nearly 9% of Canadians fall beneath the low income cut off (meaning the majority of their income goes towards food and shelter)

17.) 21% of single mothers in Canada are raising their children in poverty. The net worth of single moms is on average $17,000, for single dads their net worth is an average $80,000

18.) Women who work full-time earn about 71 cents for every dollar earned by men

19.) In March 2013, 833,098 people were helped by food banks in Canada; over a third were children. 

20.) Years after the end of the recession, food bank use remains close to record levels — and is 23% higher than in 2008, before the recession began.

21.) 12% of Canadian teenagers won’t graduate from high school

22.) The cost of university tuition in Canada has tripled in the last 20 years and is expected to increase by 13% in the next 4 years

23.) About 50% of university student’s work during the school year just to pay for their education and 75% of those students say it has a negative effect on their academic performance. On top of that 20-25% of university students can’t find employment during the summer.

24.) 7.1% of Canadians are unemployed

25.) 3% of Canadian adults are Aboriginal and yet 27% of Canadian adults in prisons are Aboriginal meaning we continue to confine and isolate them just like our forefathers before us and just like them, we refuse to fix what's been done

26.) 1 in 6 members of the Canadian Forces will experience some form of mental illness or alcohol misuse. Over 150 members have committed suicide in the last decade. 1 in 3 members of the Canadian Forces believe that seeking help for a mental illness would damage their career


Statistics Curtesy of:

Canadian Mental Health Association
Statistics Canada
Food Banks Canada
Conference Board of Canada
Canadian Federation of Students
Canadian Women's Foundation