13 Things Someone In A Relationship Shouldn't Say To Someone Who's Single

hello there,

I decided to draw attention to a less important area of my life: My Relationship Status. I'm single, it's kind of my thing. Call me a pro if you will. With this status comes some rather frequent and repetitive conversations with those who find themselves slightly less single than myself. This isn't a "woe is me" pity-fest, I love all my friends and their husbands/wives/boyfriends/girlfriends. My friend's relationships mean I gain new lifelong friends and get a fancy free meal at their wedding. It's a win-win situation. However, there's the odd conversation that happens where my single status is in question and things get said that make me want to snap the other person's ring finger right off their left hand (dramatization, of course). Therefore, here are the 13 things someone in a relationship shouldn't say to someone who's single:

Homelessness, A Choice?

hello there,

I've been meaning to write this blog for a while, but as life goes, time got away from me. However, the topic is still incredibly relevant and I really want to give my take on a very important situation that I've come to learn the majority of the population is incredibly uneducated on. The issue of homelessness is obviously something I've learned a great deal about being that it is my job to work with those who find themselves without a home. I think that because of that I sometimes lose sight of the fact that not everyone understands and sees what I understand and see. I was reminded of this while listening to The Kid Carson Show on Sonic the other day. The discussion was around the homeless population that was being evicted from Oppenheimer Park in Vancouver. One woman called into the radio to share her take on the situation. To sum it up she stated that homelessness is a choice. Her comment hit me in an unsettling way because her opinion is a popular one, shared and believed by many.

So I asked myself the question and tried to answer it based on my experience and knowledge.

Is homelessness a choice?

Dear Parents of the Internet Kid Generation | Sexuality [2 of 4]

The following post is a part of a 4 Post series I am doing for one of my classes in university. The title of the class is “Sociology of Sexuality” and naturally the content of the blogs must discuss topics under the umbrella of that title. Therefore, the content will be slightly different to anything I’ve ever blogged about (Not that I really ever blog, so it’s hard to pinpoint whether or not I have a style or common topic). Regardless, if you’re wondering why I’m writing about this, that is why and, of course, I do believe they’re important discussions to bring up.

"When adults say, "Teenagers think they are invincible" with that sly, stupid smile on their faces,
they don't know how right they are. We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken.
We think that we are invincible because we are. We cannot be born, and we cannot die.
Like all energy, we can only change shapes and sizes and manifestations.
They forget that when they get old. They get scared of losing and failing.
But that part of us greater than the sum of our parts cannot begin and cannot end,
and so it cannot fail."
John Green, Looking for Alaska

The Funny Thing About Sexual Assault | Sexuality [1 of 4]

The following post is a part of a 4 Post series I am doing for one of my classes in university. The title of the class is “Sociology of Sexuality” and naturally the content of the blogs must discuss topics under the umbrella of that title. Therefore, the content will be slightly different to anything I’ve ever blogged about (Not that I really ever blog, so it’s hard to pinpoint whether or not I have a style or common topic). Regardless, if you’re wondering why I’m writing about this, that is why and, of course, I do believe they’re important discussions to bring up. 

Hello there,

The funny thing about sexual assault is... Nope. I have nothing. There's nothing funny about it. Yet apparently not everyone shares my stance. Recently, several videos were brought to my attention that I found rather interesting/disturbing/important/controversial/all of the above. The videos featured YouTube star Sam Pepper who has made a career of posting videos on YouTube of him performing pranks (If you didn’t know YouTube could be a career, you’re not alone, but apparently it is). Upon further investigation, it appears that the majority of his pranks involve some type of sexual act ranging from “Picking Up Girls Using Instagram” to “Making Out With Strangers” and there are over 109 such videos to be found on his YouTube channel, which is watched by over 2.3 million subscribers. I managed to watch the first 30 seconds of one of these videos before turning it off due to the offensive nature of the “pranks”.