First World Problems [Canadian Edition]

hello there,

First world problems. We love them. We all have them. They make us laugh. They allow us to poke fun at our privileged culture. On a daily basis I complain about a dozen or two things that really aren't worthy of being complained about. So what are some common Canadian First World Problems? I thought I would compile a Canadian specific list that Canadians encounter on a daily basis...

Bits & Pieces | Just Be There

hello there,

For anyone who ever thought horses are just dumb animals, this post is for you. For anyone who has ever lost a loved one, this post is for you. For anyone who has ever watched a loved one suffer, this post is for you. A few weeks ago, the farm where my horse lives experienced a sudden loss. The old pony, who had resided there long before my horse moved in, passed away. It was a devastating shock to everyone that knew her. Animal or human, to have something leave you that's been a part of your daily life, year after year for years, is never an easy experience. Although we rest assured that her elderly body no longer ales her, all of us mourned her loss, in our own way. For me, it was cuddles with my horse. Breathing in his aroma, knowing he's still with me and how blessed I am to have him. I tried to find the joy in his existence while coming to terms with the loss of hers.

Sexy And She Proved It [Letter To Kim Kardashian]

hello there,

It seems as though in the recent days and weeks an astonishing amount of celebrity "nudes" have been leaked over social media . Ah yes, controversy and drama in its finest forms. This is the type of stuff our society craves. But there's also been a situation or two where a celebrity has posed for nearly nude photos in photoshoots for magazines and various other platforms. Yes, I'm looking at you Kim Kardashian. Before you click the X out of the page let me assure you this isn't some celeb gossip rag in which I roast the woman the world hates to love and loves to hate. I am however going to use the situation regarding Mrs. Kardashian-West as an example for something. Something, being that I am not entirely sure where this post is going, I just know it'll end up somewhere. Somewhere most likely being in the drafts bin to never be seen by anyone other than myself. But I digress. 


Hometown Tourist | Sea to Sky

(for enhanced experience listen to this this link in a separate tab: Reuben and the Dark - "Bow and Arrow")

hello there,

This past weekend posed another opportunity for me to take a drive on what is quite possibly my favourite line of concrete in the entire world: The Sea to Sky Highway. One might think that after 23 years in this province and 4 trips from Vancouver to Whistler in less than a year I have become accustomed to or bored of the drive, however that is very far from the case. It seems to be that no matter how many times I make that drive it never ceases to take my breath away. It is by far the most wonderful 188 km stretch of road and Friday's weather boasted a complimentary array of sun and clouded blue skies.

Finding Inspiration | Chasing The Fog

(for enhanced experience listen to this link in a separate tab: Sam Garrett - Belong)

hello there,

The Oxford English Dictionary defines Inspiration as "a breathing or infusion into the mind or soul"

I started this blog with valiant intentions of expanding my mind and developing my writing. However, I'm finding more and more as the days go on how difficult it is to find inspiration to write.

My favourite part about inspiration is that it looks incredibly different for every single person. Inspiration is the driving force behind our actions, it's what fuels our passion. It comes in endless shapes and forms. For me, inspiration comes from anywhere but most commonly it comes from the stories of people I meet or the astonishingly beautiful things I see in nature. Fortunately for me, I am surrounded by people that inspire me, in my personal life and in my work. As for nature, that comes even easier. As I've alluded to time and time again I live in the most beautiful place on earth, so I am surrounded by phenomenal creation on a daily basis and I choose to live my life outdoors as often as possible (weather permitting).

My Monday Music [ All about that what..? ] | Sexuality [3/4]

The following post is a part of a 4 Post series I am doing for one of my classes in university. The title of the class is “Sociology of Sexuality” and naturally the content of the blogs must discuss topics under the umbrella of that title. Therefore, the content will be slightly different to anything I’ve ever blogged about (Not that I really ever blog, so it’s hard to pinpoint whether or not I have a style or common topic). Regardless, if you’re wondering why I’m writing about this, that is why and, of course, I do believe they’re important discussions to bring up.

hello there,

It's been a while, a really long while, since I posted a "My Monday Music" blog post, and I figured it was time to bring it back. For many contributing reasons, this week was just one of those weeks where I seemed to spend more time in my car than anywhere else. Yeah, fun times... And this meant that I got to listen to the radio! A LOT! But that's a good thing because there's a lot of really intelligent and empowering songs that are extremely popular in pop culture right now. Also, I may be in an extra sarcastic mood while I'm writing this. Maybe.