Hometown Tourist | Othello Tunnels & Jones Lake

hello there,

It's me again, Maren Olivia. It's been a while (which is what my blog should actually be called...). I finished my semester, I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing (cue The Script lyrics). I'm excited to be back here with you kind folks, blogging, snapping, and rambling as I do. I've got some exciting things planned, mainly mini trips, which I plan to post here. I'm mostly excited to be back doing what I love, which is exploring new places and going back to places I love! The last few months have been an exhausting, mental grind and I'm ready for a change of scenery. Metaphorically, and literally.

As many of you may know, I have a thing for travel and exploration, in particular of the local variety. Meaning, I'm sort of a hometown tourist (you may remember this from my last hometown tourist blog). British Columbia is one of the most beautiful places on earth, and what it has to offer, is endless. There's no limit to its beauty which means there's no limit to what I can explore. This past week was no exception. I took full advantage of my school free week and took full advantage of what BC has to offer.

On Tuesday my dear friend Alicia and I decided to head out to Othello Tunnels in Hope, BC. For some reason I had never been so I figured it was a good place to start. Silly us though, we didn't check the conditions and unfortunately when we got there we learned that the tunnels were closed for bridge repairs. Fortunately we managed to explore around a bit and snap some pictures but we'll definitely be heading back to see the rest of the tunnels.

Because we didn't get to spend as much time at the tunnels as planned we had a few hours to spare.

Enter Jones Lake.

Othello being closed turned out to be a good thing because Jones Lake turned out to be an amazing thing.


Understatement of the year.

Jones Lake was one of the craziest things I had ever seen.

Stepping out of the car and walking down to the lake was like stepping in a post-apocalyptic alternate universe. Tree stumps growing out of slippery clay, surrounded by snow capped mountain ranges. But be weary of the drive up, you might want a 4x4 and not a '96 Honda Accord. I can't do the beauty justice in words, or even in photographs, so just take my word for it and go!

It was a great day of exploration, even in the misty rain, and I'm so excited to share with you my next adventures! Make sure to keep up with this blog for a summary of my trip to D'Arcy, BC this past Friday and my upcoming trip to Pemberton this week. For updates make sure to follow me on my social media (Instagram: @itsmarenolivia, Twitter @marenolivia, Snapchat @itsmarenolivia)

happy exploring!


P.S. if you have any recommendations of places I should go this summer please leave a comment bellow and give me some ideas!