I'm Not Spending Christmas With My Family, and I'm Happy About That

I wrote this extremely early. 
I'm not good with grammar or spelling at the best of times, let alone on 3 hours sleep.
I apologize for the errors that might be present. 
hello there,

It's 4:46 am.

The year is 2014.

The day, Thursday.

The date is December 25.

Today is Christmas Day.

Today is the first time in 23 years that I won't be spending Christmas morning with my family.

And I couldn't be happier about that.

Newborn Photography | Max

hello there,

Everyone, meet Max. I had the privilege of snapping a few photos of this precious boy a couple weeks ago when he was just 10 days old. I love photographing babies because at the end of the session I get baby cuddles! Thanks for being a little trooper Max, even when you weren't really in the mood for modelling!



hello there,

Today I wrote my fifth and final exam of the semester. Looking back on the last three and half months, if I were to summarize them I would do so by saying, "I survived".

I. Survived.

This was, without a doubt, my most difficult, exhausting, stressful, and demanding semester of my academic career to date. But. I survived. Reflecting on this, one might assume I'm incredibly relieved (which I am) however, it didn't leave me with much of a sense of accomplishment. I should be proud of myself, after all I am like 75% percent sure I passed all my courses.... Yet I can't help but feel discouraged more than anything else over my current situation. You see, I happen to believe that surviving and living are two very different concepts. And I for one, while managing to survive the semester, wasn't really living.