hello there,
blogging is very hard, as I am learning very quickly. I have a massive amount of respect now for those that manage to consistently put up frequent and excellent content. It's no easy venture. I have spent the last week catching up on life now that the semester is over, as well as getting ready for Christmas. The first week of holiday has been anything but a holiday but this upcoming week will be a lot calmer, which means I can start to work on the thing I was supposed to finish over Christmas break last year... Editing all my photos from Europe trip from summer 2012 and putting them into a photo book. Which means I will go on a little hiatus from posting trip from my Australia/New Zealand trip for the next couple weeks while I attempt to finish my Europe book before school starts again.
When I decided to fly out to Paris to meet my best friend who was there doing the WYAM program, we decided to make our European backpacking adventure a lot more relaxing than when we had gone to Australia and New Zealand. It was and it wasn't... But it was a fantastic trip to go on, just the two of us, no boys we had to live with... Just two best friends travelling Europe. It was excellent. I flew into Paris to stay with her mom, who was visiting, then the two of us backpacked around for another three weeks before she headed home and I headed to Northern Italy to vacation with my cousin. All around an amazing 5 weeks (a much more tolerable amount of time than three months...).
First stop, Paris France {including The Palace of Versailles}.
The Palace of Versailles